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Federal Priorities

To be truly competitive, Texas requires a federal immigration system that attracts global talent and investment and creates jobs in our state. That includes common-sense reforms that prioritize:


  • A permanent solution for Texas Dreamers and TPS holders that creates a pathway to legal status or citizenship. 

  • A federal solution leading to permanent legal status for qualified undocumented immigrants in the state who, together annually, contribute more than $1 billion in state and local taxes.

TEG encourages all business organizations and associations to join with them and adopt the above in part or in whole as their own. 

For Reference:

2024 Immigration Priorities from TEG Members

Texas Association of Business

  • Immigration and Visas

    • To be truly competitive, Texas requires a federal immigration system that attracts global talent and investment and creates jobs in our state, including common-sense reforms, including DACA, visas, and border security. The Texas business community needs an efficient and straightforward visa system and reformed asylum program that reflects Texas' economic needs in real-time.

  • Border Security

    • TAB advocates for reforms that improve the flow of legal commerce and immigration. Any border security policy must protect our national border from illicit trade and criminal enterprises while creating a safe and secure border that works efficiently for commerce, trade, and legal immigration. Additionally, due to the federal government's inaction, Texas taxpayers have been forced to spend billions on border security. TAB stands with lawmakers across Texas, calling for the federal government to reimburse the State of Texas.

Texas Business Leadership Council

  • Immigration reform that strengthens our economy 

  • Support reforms to our legal immigration system that provide for enough legal workers across the skills spectrum to meet employer needs. Any such solution must protect our national borders through new enforcement technology, while also creating a pathway to legal status or citizenship for the roughly 1.8 million undocumented immigrants in the state who contribute $1 billion in state and local taxes.

  • Establish a path to citizenship or legal status for Dreamers and undocumented adult workers currently living in the United States, to leverage their talent and to facilitate their complete integration as consumers, workers, and entrepreneurs.

  • Provide consistent, reliable access to the skilled talent we need to sustain our global competitiveness in industries including healthcare, high-tech, manufacturing, and hospitality and tourism. Provide a streamlined process to legal employment, ensuring we do not face the same challenges in the future.

  • Protect tuition equity and continue to offer in-state tuition to all Texas high school graduates who want to continue their education and contribute their talents to our vibrant Texas economy.


North Texas Commission

  • NTC supports sensible immigration reform to strengthen our region’s competitiveness and enhance the vibrancy of our local workforce and economy.

    • Comprehensive DACA Solution: Support permanent legislation to protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) individuals to expand the workforce pipeline.

    • Support funding to strengthen border security to stop the flow of illegal
      immigration, human trafficking, and drugs into our nation.

    • Remove employment and country immigration caps, which restrict
      Texas’ ability to hire a skilled workforce in high-demand positions.

    • Support additional H-1B, H-2B, L-1, and STEM Visas, as well as the EB-
      5 Program.

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